Seizure Types

Included in the types of seizures listed below are the options availible for catagorizing seizure events on This seizure type list is only meant as a reference. Consult with your care provider for more information about your seizure activity and what type (or types) they may be.
Simple Partial (Focal Aware)
A seizure type limited to a specific area and side of the brain, without loss of consciousness.
Complex Partial (Focal Impaired Awareness)
A seizure type limited to a specific area and side of the brain, with the possibility of consciousness being lost or impaired.
Secondarily Generalized
A seizure type beginning in a specific area of the brain and then progressing into a generalized seizure. It is important to describe the beginning of these seizures to possibly identify a focal region.
Seizure types characterized by muscle stiffening or rigidity.
Seizure types characterized by repetitive jerking motions.
Tonic Clonic
A seizure type often referred to as grand mal seizures. These seizures begin with stiffening of the extremities followed by jerking of the extremities and face.
A seizure type with rapid, brief contractions of muscles, usually occurring at the same time on both sides of the body.
Myoclonic Cluster
Same as an individual Myoclonic seizure but happens repetitively fairly close together. Seizure Tracker users have the capability of recording a related event count with this seizure type selection.
A seizure type with a sudden loss of muscle tone, often resulting in a sudden collapse. These seizures are also known as drop seizures.
A seizure type with a brief lapse of awareness and or staring spell.
Atypical Absence
A seizure type with a brief lapse of awareness and or staring spell but can be responsive.
Infantile Spasms (cluster)
Clusters of quick, sudden movements often occurring in children between 3 months and two years but can continue through later years.
Dissociative (PNES)
Dissociative seizures are a type of nonepileptic seizure resulting from psychological stress, although many may not be aware of the underlying psychological cause until more extensive evaluation. Dissociative seizures cause episodes of involuntary movements or behaviors. Doctors may refer to these seizures as psychogenic nonepileptic seizures (PNES). Alternative names your doctor may have used include pseudoseizures (no longer commonly used) or functional seizures.
Learn more about Dissociative seizures:
Why Dissociative?
Epilepsy Action (NEAD page)

Additional Resources:
Videos of different seizure types provided by the LGS Foundation