Share your data through the Seizure Tracker reporting system!

Report creation and sharing

All data collected through the Seizure Tracker system can be represented in the reports created on These reports can be easily shared with care providers.

Seizure Tracker report features include:
  • Report date range indication
  • Subject profile information
  • Seizure counts by week
  • Dynamic Seizure Type/Medication graph
  • Dynamic Seizure count by day/medication/therapy/etc. graph
  • Dynamic Seizure count by time of day chart and graph
  • Printable reports
  • Create URL to share dynamic report
  • Email report using Seizure Tracker contact manager
  • Include all data collected in text and graph form

Sample report (opens in a new tab)

Reports generated on can be created using multiple date ranges. By default the Seizure Tracker system uses the current month as the default "Start" date. The ranges works backwards in consecutive months. ie. A three month report with a Start month of August would include June, July and August.
Report length options:
- One month
- Three months
- Six months
- One year
The graphs included in the reports represent all the data entered across the selected date range.

Reports created on can be shared through a weblink. Using live or dynamic data to create the reports means the reports are always up-to-date.

Sample report URL (opens in a new tab):

While this is a public URL the data is referenced through a randomly generated reprt ID number. This method of sharing reports is focused on privacy and ease of sharing the data entered into the Seizure Tracker system.

Pre-reporting is when you create a report for a future date range. As data is entered into the Seizure Tracker system, the link created for the pre-report can be visited periodically to see changes in seizure activity and therapy modifications.

This is especially useful when sharing reports with care providers, school staff, etc. that may need continued access to seizure reports over an extended period.