Seizure Tracker. Developed by patients for patients!

Seizure Tracker is dedicated to providing patients, doctors and researchers with free comprehensive tools to help understand relationships between seizure activity and anti-epileptic therapies.

Our son began having seizures before he was a month old. After our first neurologist visit, we came home with a sheet of paper with 365 boxes on it, to log a year's worth of seizures. At the rate his seizures were increasing, it became obvious this tracking method wasn't going to work for us.

We began looking for a tool online to aid us in logging his seizures, and surprisingly, we couldn't find anything. So, we decided to build it. We wanted a tool to track seizures and medications so we could monitor the effectiveness of each medication we tried. We wanted a communication tool to compile all the pertinent information of our son's case to show our neurologist. We wanted to be armed with the best tracking information possible to give our doctor the information needed to find a medication to stop our son's seizures. We don't believe in the philosophy that everything happens for a reason -- there just isn't a good explanation for anyone having to deal with a chronic medical condition. However, we do believe in the more positive and proactive spin on that thought: when life hands you lemons, you make lemonade.

We worked on our "lemonade" for several months and in 2007 we launched a comprehensive tool that tracks seizures, medication dosages, doctor appointments and daily notes. After inputting information the tool will generate a report with a corresponding graph showing the relationship between medication dosages and frequency of seizures.

Most importantly, we wanted a tool that would be free for anyone experiencing seizures to use. Today we have that tool and are eager to make it accessible to all that may need it.

Our hope is that this website will help empower others to become active leaders in their own treatment, working hand-in-hand with their doctors.

Our hope is that this website will empower patients to become active leaders in their own treatment, working hand-in-hand with doctors. The easy-to-use tools found at allow patients to create personalized reports of logged seizure activity and medication history that can be easily shared with their medical team.

The reports generated by Seizure Tracker become a valuable communication aid when meeting with doctors because all the necessary information is in one brief report. With a simple keystroke, you can customize a report to outline talking points you’d like to discuss with your doctor.

More about us

Our unique relationship with Seizure Tracker users and epilepsy advocacy organizations combined with our personal experience gives us insight into the specialized needs of epilepsy patients and their families.

Our direct connection/communication with our user base, physicians and researchers allows us to leverage our nimble development team to continue the responsive agile Seizure Tracker development environment.

Because of our personal experience with seizures and epilepsy, we have the unique ability to understand need, explore new technology and test that technology in real world circumstances.

Our network of innovation partners help explore emerging technology and its application to seizure recording, detection and prediction.