Seizure Symptoms/Descriptions

Included in the Seizure Symtoms listed below are the options availible when logging seizure events on The Seizure symtom (or description) list is customizable as well. Consult with your care provider for more information about your seizure symtoms and what might be the best way to record a good description. Selected symptom values are passed from one event to the next and remembered as values in the form. This allows for entering multiple similar symtoms and events more rapidly.

Seizure Symtom Descriptions included on the Seizure Logging Page:
  • Had an aura
  • Loss of urine or bowel control
  • Change in awareness
  • Automatic repeated movements
  • Loss of ability to communicate
  • Muscle stiffness in right arm, right leg, right side, left arm, left leg, left side, or whole body
  • Muscle twitch inright arm, right leg, right side, left arm, left leg, left side, or whole body
  • Other (customized and remembered)
  • Description Notes
The possible seizure symtom (description) section also includes a "Other" option which allows user to customize the logging form.