Plan for a Seizure Emergency using the Dynamic Seizure Action Plan!

DSAP creation and sharing

The Seizure Tracker "Dynamic Seizure Action Plan" (DSAP) is an easy way to collect and share your prefferred action to be taken in case of a seizure emergency.

Seizure Tracker DSAP information sections include:
  • Profile information (gender, date of birth and weight)
  • Emergency Contacts
  • Daily medication (anti-seizure and others)
  • VNS implant/magnet info
  • Rescue medication
  • Seizure types and suggested actions
  • Careporvider's contact infomation
  • and much more...

Log into your account and look for the DSAP link on the "Control Panel" page.

The DSAP can be printed directly from your Seizure Tracker account. Keep an eye out for new ways to share the DSAP in the near future.